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Conference Proceedings

  1. On multi-objective topology optimization and tracing of Pareto-optimal structures
    Alexander Sehlström, Håkan Johansson, Mats Ander
    in Proceedings of the 29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM 29, 2016
  2. Prestressed gridshell structures (peer reviewed)
    Mats Ander, Alexander Sehlström, Paul Shepherd, Chris J K Williams
    in Proceedings of the IASS Symposium, 2017
  3. Moving Mesh and Image Registration in FEniCS
    Jenny Larsson, Anders Logg, Klas Modin, Alexander Sehlström
    in Proceedings of the 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics – NSCM 30, 2017
  4. The use of virtual work for the formfinding of fabric, shell and gridshell structures (peer reviewed)
    Emil Adiels, Mats Ander, Erica Hörteborn, Jens Olsson, Karl-Gunnar Olsson, Alexander Sehlström, Paul Shepherd, Chris J. K. Williams
    in Proceedings of the Advances in Architectural Geometry 2018
  5. Unloaded prestressed shell formed from a closed surface unattached to any supports
    Alexander Sehlström, Christopher J. K. Williams
    in in Proceedings of the IASS Symposium, 2019


  1. Multiobjective topology optimization: Tracing of Pareto-optimal structures with respect to volume, compliance and fundamental eigenvalue
    Alexander Sehlström
    M.Sc. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2013
  2. Prestress in Nature and Technics
    Alexander Sehlström
    Lic. Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, 2019

Other publications

  1. Schweiz runt på 144 timmar
    Alexander Sehlström
    WSP Byggprojektering Tekniknytt (Dec), 2018
  2. På besök hos Mike Schlaich i Berlin
    Alexander Sehlström
    WSP Byggprojektering Tekniknytt (Oct), 2019
  3. Förspända träkonstruktioner
    Alexander Sehlström
    in Bygg & Teknik (8), 2019


  1. Pretensioned Timber Roof Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    10 % PhD seminar, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, February 2017
  2. Pretensioned Timber Roof Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Seminar, WSP Structures, London, March 2017
  3. Pretensioned Timber Roof Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Lunch seminar, White arkitekter, Göteborg, March 2017
  4. Light, Exciting, Curious – The Sieve who Saved the World
    Alexander Sehlström
    National gathering, WSP Construction Design Sweden, Stockholm, August 2017
  5. Timber Shell Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Lunch seminar, WSP Construction Design Sweden, September 2017
  6. Prestressed Timber Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Timber seminar, White arkitekter, Stockholm, December 2017
  7. Prestressed Timber Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Lecture, Digital Structures, MIT, Cambridge, MA, January 2018
  8. Prestressed Timber Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    Breakfast seminar, WSP, Göteborg, January 2018
  9. Great Court Roof Atrium at the British Museum
    Alexander Sehlström
    Lecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, January 2018
  10. Prestressed Timber Structures
    Alexander Sehlström
    25 % PhD seminar, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, February 2018